What is this exhibition about?
This incredible and picturesque exhibtion brings together some of the best and more creative contemporary artists. Those who have combined art with science and fantasy to create something magical and beautiful. They bring closer in pictures, paintings, illustration or photographies something that is far for human's eyes and out of reach, a place that sometimes not even all the imagination of a person can start to picture: the space.
Mysterious and not fully discovered, space is a perfect theme for creative artists to base their works on, is a big source of ideas and confusion for the incomplete undesrstanding of what is out there.
Not only these artists picture galaxies and what we know about space, but give a different point of view on the immense world of possibilities regarding space and astronomy.
Art is exceptional, enjoyable and emotional, when is combined with imagination, something beyond incredible is created...
Going through the following artists' work is being transported to a different place outside earth: